Alexander Technique Teachers
in St.Albans
Alexander Technique Teachers
in St.Albans
Click on the name above to go to the relevant webpage. It will open in a new window.
About the Technique
* The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
This site has videos and much more to give an excellent introduction to the work.
* The STAT You Tube page.
Several STAT teachers have posted videos of the work. You can also see the
only cinefilm of Alexander teaching, with commentary by Walter Carrington.
* The initial Alexander Technique
This is the link to the Facebook group where many articles are
available about how FM cured his voice problems.
Professional Associations
Books and reports
This report includes the statement:”The researchers conclude that one-to-one instruction
in the Alexander technique by registered teachers has long-term benefits in chronic back
“Linden”, 28. Marshal’s Drive, St. Albans. AL1 4RQ.
Tel 01727 760067 Email: Click here for a map.